Friday, January 16, 2009

Amazing Grace?

I tell you that once you understand the depth of your sin. You then can see how Amazing God's Grace is. John Newton understood it, it enabled him to write "Amazing Grace". If you won't let yourself be broken over your sin, the contrast between your depravity and God's Righteousness will be so much less than Amazing. We who confess that we have been forgiven much should have the best understanding of how Amazing God's Grace is. For as you get the right perspective of sin. God's Holiness rises so high above us. His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. His ways are greater than our ways, so are His thoughts higher than our thoughts. Let the Holy Spirit convict you of Sin. Do not down play it. But Lament it. Let your heart be broken over your past and continued disobedience. So that you will be driven to your knees. Each time this happens God seems to get bigger and higher. His Grace and Love for us becomes brighter than the Sun. This Truth that God chose you knowing you perfectly. He knew your heart. Imagine that, he knew your sinfulness. He knows better than you do what a wretch you are. But then, He chose to Love you and cleanse you of all your sin and shame. So that His Will and Purpose will be accomplished. So that He demonstrates His Glory ,Honor, Grace, Mercy and Power. When I began to see myself in light of who God is. I was absolutely crushed. He is worthy of so much more than I will ever be able to give Him. I don't understand why He saved me. It doesn't matter why, He did. Even if He never did anything for me. Even if instead of Grace, and Mercy He gave me Justice and sent me to Hell for my lawlessness, He would be Worthy of my Praise and Worship. How much more so, in light of so Great a Salvation. Praise and Honor and Glory and Power be to God almighty forever and ever!

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